Tents and shelters
A sleeping bag, together with shoes and a backpack, is one of the most important pieces of survival equipment you should buy. If you have trouble sleeping during your adventures because your sleeping bag is not comfortable or because you are cold, you will not have a good time. Because you are not rested, you are tired and you will make mistakes. This will not improve your safety during your adventure. That's why you should choose a high quality sleeping bag, like the M90 army sleeping bag
Buy M90 army sleeping bag
At the moment, you can only buy army and air force sleeping bags from us, such as the M90 KL and the Modular sleeping bags of the Dutch army. These are quite heavy sleeping bags, which weigh +/- 5 kilos and 4 kilos respectively, complete with bivouac bag. However, we accept this weight and carry them as counterweight in the front. We do this because of the great comfort the sleeping bags provide. We have tested the sleeping bags up to -20 degrees Celsius and never felt cold. In fact, we were comfortably warm. They are not one of the most used sleeping bags for nothing. Add a bivouac sleeping bag to your army sleeping bag in our webshop.
Buy your sleeping bag for our canoe expedition
Did you know that we also offer fantastic canoe expeditions to the Finnish lake district? When you join us on these canoe expeditions, you should buy a comfortable M90 army sleeping bag. This way you will wake up well rested and fit for the survival. Also take a look at our other survival equipment. Do you have questions about buying a M90 army sleeping bag or other products and services? Please contact us at +31621912687 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. We are happy to help you with personal advice.